I think each category needs it's own flag, visibility day and pronouns.

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I am not online enough to really understand what you are talking about, nor (I think) to fit any of these descriptions, and I find that reassuring. I don’t have a witty name, but I hope I belong to the group of women/people who are Trying to Live Worthwhile Lives in line with Mostly Good Ideas. It’s a messy business for sure. Also helpful to remember the quote “Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will have a lifetime of comedy.”

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Kept scrolling to find myself but I think I'm a bit too contrarian to fit any groove.

Having a Based Patriarch Husband is pretty good though, I may end up borrowing that phrase. (If your husband isn't an arsehole sometimes, are you even really married?)

I guess I'm a pick-me because I put up with posts signal-boosting thots and confidently asserting "what women are REALLY like" and try not to complain about it. These days I try to stay out of it completely.

Nice list though. It seems you know more about right-wing women than I do, and that's saying something.

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From my tiny little microcosm of experience as a mom who started my "Mom Life" before social media exploded, I truly believe social media has done more damage than good for women. Definitely as a whole, though some have found ways to navigate it better than others. Branding is always a risk of course, and a temptation, in today's age. I live rather traditionally, but do not presume to blast it everywhere. It's enough for me to simply live it without pimping my family life for an influencer buck.

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Yeah, I'm not feeling this. I know it is tongue in cheek but this is the nuance of the more conservative elements in society. I should be able to fit into one or more but I don't. I was anti-vax before it had that name(early 80s); homeschooled when it was illegal and people were being prosecuted in my state for it; did home birth when it was illegal and midwives were being prosecuted for helping women; refused to do well-baby checks since I could tell from looking that my babies were well; bought from a co-op and ordered with a group of other moms (who would now be called 'crunchy') from a natural food catalog; encouraged other women to do these and other sometimes illegal activities for the good of our families; was politically active but would have been considered 'hard right', or 'damn right' as I preferred to see it.

Are women of the left more nuanced than I give them credit for? Probably, but I don't see a lot of nuance in their talking heads and they seem to be happy to nod along with the mind virus mentality so I am not sure. When I encounter them I notice that they all act the same and refuse to engage unless you worship at all their many altars to Baal. We are more than a bifurcated society at this point.

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I have followed the hot debate, but I have to say I’m not seeing your own category as completely truthfully written. The way you write the other categories of women, there’s an element of disingenuity and even malintent when they each clearly have singular motivations driving them (you may like them or not, agree or not). I would like to know what unifies the group “reactionary feminist” and what might be the disingenuous element of its members. I find myself wondering if the neologisms are used to hide the lack thereof.

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Don't do YouTubing or any kind of social mediaing (other than if you count Substack) so don't really know what/who you are talking about here....but I'm sure you're right (I guess). But I wrote an essay recently (Shall We Dance?) on my own 'stack - about some very heartening right-ish feminists pushing back against their '3rd Wave' militant androgyny/misandry 'sisters' so I'll link it here: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/shall-we-dance

It starts "Recently (in a certain kind of feminist journalism) I keep coming across warm-hearted acknowledgements that Masculinity and Femininity are complementary polarities in any sane conception of The Good Life. An acknowledgement that the relationship between a man and a woman has the potential to be the finest fruit that life has to offer. And that when things go wrong, they are often better understood as resulting from a kind of Faustian tango between the sexes than as a simple case of one sex always doing wrong by the other..... Does that count as e-right....I'm not sure?

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Reactionary feminist in the streets, pious tradwife in the sheets.

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At almost 65, I'm not used to learning new words, so I was delighted to discover "rebarbative." Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. Also, thanks for the sacrificial act of exploring and reporting from regions of the internet that self-described 'sensitive' guys like me find rebarbative.

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On one hand, I don’t identify with any of them. On the other hand, I’m not an influencer of any kind, so it makes sense I don’t have to play a caricature of myself to keep my audience . If I had to become an influencer, I would probably have to play a reactionary feminist or the homeschooling crunchy mom. But TBH, I’m not into astrology or Christianity, vaccinate my children (although feeling guilty as my 1 yo is about to end up with a nasty scar on her MMR injection site 🥲), was never very progressive, and don’t consider myself wholly pro life. I’m clearly not hardcore enough or right wing enough. A dabbler, maybe.

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I find this wildly inaccurate, but I think that's to be expected when reducing group characteristics to communicate their core essence to a large audience.

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These are hilarious but I’m not online enough to fully understand. Also where does the humanist type fit, maybe under reactionary feminist? I’m thinking of women who love mothers, women with no children, men, babies, fetuses, children and don’t love gender roles and other social constructs, like hey, can we just live?

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"...occasional sellers of foot photos, the Anglofuturist E-Girls were scarred for life at a tender age by seeing disgustingly compromising photographs of household-name British conservatives. Anglofuturist E-Girl are esoterically internet famous and invited to every London Right-wing event, but no one is quite sure what they do for a living."

'Occasional sellers of foot photos' is a clue, I think.

Hilarious. Unironically I wish there were more women out there like these ones... (1) because people are interesting and there are FAR too many regular, 'nice', deluded young progressive women out there & (2) because men tend to be more right-leaning and a large cohort of unmarried, unattached, unsexed men is a huge liability for any society.

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Well, I clearly don 't spend enough time online because this world is unknown to me. Since I feel constantly guilty for wasting a lot of time online, you managed to make me feel better. The world you describe (and i am certain it represents only a small fragment of the many types one can find out there ) is like a snapshot of a zoo. No more individuals, only (stereo)types because they exist through imitation. Whether they are "Right" or "Left" depends on whom they imitate. In themselves, they are nothing.

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Everyone who fits well into one of these categories will claim to be different, special, and not a good fit, really, in any of these categories.

Big question: What does market saturation of e-right women look like? Is this it?

Bigger question: Does any of this activity and typing and internecine conflict ever lead, however circuitously, to actual changes in the application of government power?

Biggest question: What do all these (mostly smart, mostly well intentioned) women need to do differently to have a bigger impact?

Extra credit question: What new categories of e-right women will emerge between now and Midnight on New Years Eve?

Rodney King Memorial Rhetorical Question: Can we all just get along? Rephrased, can we all just agree that there are no enemies on the right and direct our fire outward?

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Guess I'm the only one who finds this extremely accurate! The crunchymoms and pious tradwives are the only groups I have met and interacted with in the real world, but I have seen all the others pop up in my explore page or twitter suggestions...does this mean I'm too extremely online?

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